Fair Housing Training Requirement
This requirement will begin January 1, 2025 with a
deadline of December 31, 2027.
**These are NAR Membership requirements.
REALTORS® are required to complete Fair Housing / Anti-Bias Training upon becoming a member, and every 3 years thereafter, coinciding with the Code of Ethics training timeline. This requirement is in addition to the Code of Ethics training. Qualified training must be of not less than 2 hours of instructional time. The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®.
Training may be completed through NAR’s online courses or through another method, such as online or classroom courses via local/state associations. CLICK HERE to Read the Sonsequences for failing to complete Fair Housing / Anti-Bias training »
NAR Fair Housing Course Options
Fairhaven: A Fair Housing Simulation
This is a FREE option for REALTOR® members!
At Home With Diversity (AHWD):
Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing
FAQ: All Member Fair Housing Training Requirement
How will completion of the courses be tracked?
Tracking this requirement will be done through Ml, identical to how the Code of Ethics course is currently tracked.
Does C2EX count for this requirement?
Members who complete At Home With Diversity or Fairhaven as part of their CZEX course work after 1/1/2025 wil satisfy their Fair Housing requirement.
Who will decide what courses wil qualify as equivalent courses?
The model already in use to decide whether Code of Ethics courses will count for equivalency credit will be used for this requirement as well. Local and state associations can create and approve their own equivalent courses based on the 2-hour minimum and set of learning objectives created by NAR. Third-party providers may also partner with local and state associations to create equivalency courses, with those local and state associations approving based on the 2-hour minimum and learning objectives. This is identical to how Code of Ethics equivalencies are currently determined.
What is the history of this requirement?
NAR's Board of Directors approved a new policy during the May 2023 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings that institutes a Fair Housing training requirement for all members. The policy is based on a recommendation created by a work group composed of members of the Fair Housing Committee, Professional Development Committee, Association Executives Committee, and Membership Policy and Board Jurisdiction Committee (the recommendation was presented to the Board by the latter).
Why wait for the next cycle in 2025 to begin this requirement?
Several reasons: - To mindfully avoid confusing members by adding requirements during an education cycle that has already begun. - To give associations time to prepare any equivalent options they may wish to offer. - To allow NAR to create a more comprehensive version of Fairhaven, as well as a new anti-bias course with a non-residential focus.